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Thursday, February 2, 2012

My lefty learns to tie her shoes!!

Most kids learn to tie their shoes in K or 1st grade. Maddie has been home schooled her whole life so never really went through some of the traditional things that you would do in public school like learning to tie her own shoes. That may sound horrible to some of you, and maybe it is???? I don't know, I just never really worried about it. I figured when she wanted to learn to tie her shoes she would learn.

Today was the day. She came to me at bedtime and said "Mama I am ready to learn to tie my shoes. Can we try?" Sure I said "go grab a shoe." I showed her a time or two. She tried and failed. Then it hit me that I needed to reverse some of it because she is a lefty. I reversed the way I did the bunny ears, showed her, and within a few tries she had tied her shoe. Woo hoo Maddie!!

She was soooo proud she wanted to show everyone. She started with daddy and failed. Pressure?? Maybe?? She then came back for a few more lessons and before bed was pretty confident that she was indeed able to tie her shoes.

Tomorrow I know she will get up and ask to practice again. Why?? Because she is ready and she wants to know how. She wants to prove to the world that she can indeed tie her shoe!!

What can I say?? This is another proud home school moment.

Some of you may ask WHY?? You may think that she is two years late in tying her shoes. I on the other hand look at it as though she learned in less than 45 minutes because she was ready, wanted to, and is excited about it. That kind of learning makes my day. Learning because she wants to. I call that a huge success!! Way to go Maddie!! So proud of you.

Somehow, I just knew that my girl would know how to tie those shoes before heading off to HARVARD, YALE or OXFORD. When Maddie wants to do something or learn something watch out world!!

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