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Monday, July 12, 2010

Off To Camp!!!

Well it is official.. The Greeneteam has left and gone to their first Summer Camp EVER!! I don't think they have ever even been to a day camp before much less away for 5 nights!! What was I thinking??? REST, RELAXATION, QUIET???

Truly the answer to that is NO.. What I really want them to get out of this besides an enriching Spiritual experience is to feel that I trust them enough to let them go and, in their words be "BIG KIDS"!! I want them to grow in Gods word, make friendships, and experience some time away from mom, dad and little sister Maddie.

Tonight the phone rang and I got so nervous that it was the camp already asking us to pick them up.. It made me question whether I have any FAITH in them or myself and my mothering skills at all. Surely my kids can last a week at camp like other kids can't they?? I sure hope so.. I will let you know how it goes.. In the meantime here are a few FUNNY quotes that the kids said as they were getting ready for camp..

"We have become tiny men".. Jack
"Makenna, can you believe mom is sending us away to camp?? It's like she trust us or something"... Carson
"Mom what should I do if no one likes me?" Before I could answer she said.." I know find the really least liked girl and make friends with her"
"I am confident but scared" .. Jack
Screaming "I love you mom" as the car was half way down the road.... Carson



  1. I see Kenna was wearing her DeeDee hat!

  2. We didn't let her take it with her but she wore it all day thinking she was going to wear it!! :)

  3. Well she could have! I would have let her, the things starting to come apart anyway. That's the difference between DeeDees and moms I guess ;o)

  4. P.S. your clock is off - it's 2:14am, not 11:14 pm.

  5. I'm so happy the kids have the chance to go to summer camp. My kids ALWAYS love camp.
    Looking forward to reading more about the stories you get when they come home!!!! :>)
