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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Great Aunt Mary's Homemade Potato Skins

About a year ago my mom was telling me that when she was growing up Aunt Mary would try to use everything food wise as much as she could to make things stretch and go farther. She then told me she even used her potato peels to make, you guessed it, Potato Skins.

In the winter I use more potatoes because I make soups. I thought I would give my moms/aunts trick a try. After much experimenting I think I finally have it nailed down. The perfect potato skins using something you would normally toss out. Enjoy!!

The finished product!!

Step 1: Peel your potatoes a little thicker than you normally might. I was never a great potato peeler so this is really not a big adjustment for me. :)

Step 2: Wash them really good and then toss out any that just won't make a good potato skin. This was all that I threw out from the big bucket above.

Step 3: Dry them off a bit and then toss with just a tiny amount of olive oil/salt. Once you have done this you will place on a baking sheet to pre-bake for 15-20 minutes at 375 degrees. You want to bake them to get them dry so they won't turn color when you freeze.

Step 4: Let them cool before putting them in a bag. Freeze them for your next party, appetizer night, dinner etc.

Step 5:Pull as many as you need from the freezer. Bake them at 375 until heated through about 20-25 minutes. Then top them with cheese and bacon and bake for another 10-15 minutes.

Voila the finished skins topped with our favorites sour cream, chives and black pepper. So yummy and really your only cost is toppings. Way cheaper than T.G.I.Friday's!!

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