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Thursday, February 3, 2011

11th Birthday Date

Daddy served her breakfast in bed and then she opened cards and presents from relatives. Thanks Uncle Gary, Grandma, Grammy, Dee Dee, and Aunt Lisa!!
Shopping at Michaels with her Birthday gift card thanks Lauren and Emily!!
Always a favorite Barnes and Noble.. thanks Rachel and Savannah!!
Oooh La La.. a new pair of fashion glasses from Claires.
Coming out of Krispy Kreme.. she decided the kids at home deserved a treat so bought them for the Greeneteam!!
Lunch at her favorite spot courtesy of Aunt Dee Dee!!

My girl Makenna lives for her Birthday. The party, the friends, the cake, the gifts, the shopping. She just loves it. This year since her Birthday fell two days after her party I decided to take her out and let her spend the gift cards and money that she received. We had the best time. I loved watching her shop, seeing the items she picked out and overall just spending one on one time with her. I need to do this with my kids more often. When I do I am reminded that they are each special and unique and I am so thankful that God has given them to me. Happy 11th Birthday sweet Lu Lu Bird.. Mama loves you!!

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