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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

National Gingerbread Competition.. Grove Park Inn

My favorite thing about Home Schooling my kids is the FIELD TRIPS that I take them on. I love planning them, taking them and honestly experiencing things with them that I don't think we would have as much time to do if they were in school.

Today I decided to take them to the Grove Park Inn and Resort in Asheville, NC. They host the National Competion for Gingerbread every year. I saw this advertised through the FISH radio Station and instantly thought ROADTRIP!!

I have never attempted making a gingerbread house with the Greeneteam before. This year is going to be our first. (Because I bought a kit) I thought maybe this would give us inspiration and really get our creative juices flowing.

The team in front of this year's winner. She was from Austell, GA and won with a set of Russian Nesting Dolls. They were gorgeous.

I had such a hard time picking just a couple of pics for this post.. There were at least 50 photos to pick from. I sooo wanted to post all the amazing creations. I love art, creativity and food. This field trip encompassed all of those! Talk about an amazing competion!! We loved it!!

The display at The Grove Park Inn runs from Nov 17th-Jan 2, 2011 If you are not a guest at the hotel you may view the display Monday-Thursday. See their website for directions and more information.

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