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Friday, December 17, 2010

Apple Sauce &Cinnamon Ornaments

Making Cinnamon and Applesauce Gingerbread Decorations has been a tradition at our house for the last 6 years. It was one of the first ornaments I started making with the kids. I remember once Makenna opening a saved Cinnamon ornament from the year before. She breathed in deep and said.."Ahhh that is the smell of Christmas". I love that they only require two ingredients and I love the smell of my house while we are making them.
Ingredients: 1/2 cup cinnamon and 1/2 cup applesauce.
Mix together to form dough. Sprinkle extra cinnamon on the rolling pin and cutting board. Cut your shapes out, make a hole with a straw at the top of the shape for hanging. Bake for 45min to an hour on 275 degrees. Let cool and then decorate with glitter glue, and sequins.
The Greeneteam prepped and ready to make ornaments!!

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