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Thursday, February 10, 2011

20 Fun Ideas For Valentines

Our kitchen table decorated for Valentines Morning!!


1. Bake a heart shaped cake and decorate it together.

2. Make some fun crafts... mobiles, magnets, cards, bookmarks, window hangings.

3. Make Valentine Cookies together.

4. Play "CUPID SAYS" instead of Simon Says.

5. At dinner one evening have everyone go around and say one thing they like or love about each person at the table.

6. Take your child out on a Valentines date..doesn't need to be expensive. Use your imagination.

7. Pick one room in the house to decorate for Valentines Day.. we usually pick the kitchen.

8. Send your child a love note in his/her lunch letting them know that you love them.

9. Buy your child his/her favorite candy and surprise him/her with it.

10. Make a paper chain using pink/white/red listing everyone you love, or things you love.

11. Buy the heart shaped Little Debbies and eat them one night for dessert.

12. Sit and make a card together one evening and mail it to someone you both love or give it to someone who needs encouragement.

13. Have a special Family "DATE NIGHT" do something you would never normally do.

14. Invite friends over to make Valentine crafts.

15. Surprise your child at school this week with a special lunch/little gift. If they are home schooled leave a note on their pillow or on the bathroom mirror for when they wake up.

16. Have a Valentines Morning party.. Make a special breakfast, decorate the table, have a small gift for each person.. even Dollar tree items make a kid feel special and loved.

17. Bake together and deliver it to your neighbors or a friend that you would like to cheer up.

18. Play Secret Valentine.. do nice things for each other throughout the week/weekend and at the end of the week/weekend reveal who your Secret Valentine is.

19. Spend the morning/afternoon together having fun before you go out with your husband. Stay in your p.j.'s watch movies, eat fun food, play games. Just enjoy your little Valentine.

20. If you don't have a sitter invite friends to come over and throw a Valentines night party. Order some pizza for the kids, decorate cupcakes and just let the kids play.

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