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Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Paper Chain

The Greeneteam ringing in 2011
2010 paper chain.. The we did it pile 37 this year, and the Keep dreaming pile 82
2011 New Paper chain.. ready to be stored until the first day of 2012

About five or six years ago we started making a New Years Day Paper Chain. On each link we post a goal, want, or dream for the new year. I always tell the kids "The sky is the limit, it is a New Year and anything is possible." This sometimes means that we get some pretty silly things on the chain.. Water Skiing with Dora the Explorer in Mexico was one I remember from Maddie several years back. So funny and was not obviously going to happen, but it went on the chain.

I have the paper pre cut and we go around the table as a family taking turns saying our hopes, dreams, and goals for the new year. A bucket list if you will. Once we run out of ideas or patience with the kids we sit the strips aside. Next we get out the old paper chain which I store in a garbage bag in the garage inside a bin marked New Years. This is where the fun part comes in. We take turns ripping off the chain links and reading the link out loud. We make a WE DID IT PILE, and a KEEP DREAMING PILE.

This Year for 2010 we completed 37 of the 119 paper chains. When you see the list it is pretty impressive and makes you feel like maybe you accomplished some dreams/goals after all.

Some of the ones completed this year: Summer family photo shoot, New family car, Seeing the Ocean for the first time, Horseback riding, Going to Sea World, Getting a Wii, Camping, Going to New Orleans, Floating down the Chattahoochee, Attending our first NFL game, Going away to camp, Visiting cousins in TX, Volunteering as a family, and watching the Sunset at a park.

Some of the ones that didn't make it sadly.. Losing weight, Kings Island, Getting a housekeeper, Buying a boat, Getting a new couch, A Tropical Vacation, French Doors, A massage Table, Riding the Goliath at Six Flags, Getting out of Debt, and Getting Hardwood floors.

In the end every time we do our New Years link we realize that we did indeed accomplish a lot. We put dreams and ideas on paper and they came true. It makes us feel like anything is possible in the coming year. Here's looking forward to seeing what 2011 has in store for us!!

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