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Friday, December 10, 2010

Supper with Santa

The Greeneteam with Santa at our Annual Supper with Santa Visit. 8 years running I believe!!
The Girls having dinner and getting ready for a fun evening of doorprizes, balloons and more!!
Each year the Greeneteam and I attend an event at the Gainesville Mall called Supper with Santa. It is the BEST deal in town as far as I am concerned. Ticket prices run just $3 per child and $4 for adults.
Included in the price.. Dinner, Dessert, Pics with Santa, Face Painting, Balloons, Doorprizes, and a Merry Go Round Ride on the Carousel.
Do I NEED to say anymore?? Such a deal!! My kids love it and so do I. If only every mall would offer such a wonderful event at such a GREAT price.

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