I had to laugh last night. I bought a Sun Dress Cover up for Six Flags. I knew it was going to be 100 degrees and I wanted to be comfortable. I really didn't care what I looked like. ( I mean let's face it very few people look good when they are sweating to death at Six Flags.)
Moving on.. When I got home I tried it on for John and the team.
John was very careful in what he said. (It looks comfortable and airy, It has really bright colors. I knew he hated it.. Oh well!)
Next up my pre-teen Makenna. She just gave me that look..you know the one..UGG.. 2 Down, 3 to go.
Jack came in and immediately pulled the dress lower over my knees.. Hysterical.. Always my protective mama's boy. Heaven forbid I show a little to much knee at Six Flags. I am a mother after all.
Carson then came in and his question alone told me that it was not on his approval list. The question: "Are you going to wear that??"
Last came my baby girl Maddie. She saw me in the dress and immediately said.. "Oh mama it is beautiful!! A dress, A dress I love it. I have looked in your closet and you have none. I am so happy you now have a pretty dress to wear." So sweet.
I think what I love about how Maddie approached me wearing the dress is that it wasn't about what I looked like in it. It was about the dress, the color, the newness, and the fact that I finally owned one. That in and of itself was special right?? To a seven year old it was.
Wouldn't it be great if we could view everything like that? Something for me to think about.
The girls and I in our dresses at Six Flags. Possibly the first time that the three of us were in a dress together.
Very sweet. Great pic!!