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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Brotherly Love

The boys started middle school today. I can't believe they are really old enough to be there. I was sad to see them getting ready this morning and told them I needed a special middle school photo shoot. I figured they would roll the eyes but they went along with me. As I was shooting the pics I told them to remember that they were not only brothers, but twin brothers and most importantly friends. I told them to remember to  stand up for one another and be good to each other. I hope they will remember what I said. 

After I took a few shots of them I jokingly said alright now hold hands.. I knew they wouldn't.. I was wrong. For a split second they did and then even gave each other a quick hug. Brotherly love maybe there is hope for these two yet!!

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Years Chain 2012

Each year we make a New Years Chain with all the things we would like to do the following year. The sky is the limit and basically you can put anything on the list. We usually have somewhere around 150 goals. It is fun to put the chain together and then put it away until the next year. It is kind of like a yearly wish list/time capsule.This year we completed over 50 of our goals!!

Here are some of the wishes/dreams/goals we completed for 2012!!
Summer and Winter lock in's, Kenna a FB account, Rollerskating, Dentist for all, Ice skating, visiting cousins in Houston, Finishing the 365 blog, a 3DS, Going to see the Hunger Games, getting jobs, going to Six Flags, a trip to Ohio, canvas painting classes, returning to public school, Boys weekend, guitar lessons, getting a piano, visiting a skateboard park, camping, dates with grandma, seeing the Avengers and more. Sometimes we do something on the chain that is a shocker.. This year an item on the chain was "get a playmate for Lucky." We had absolutely no intentions of ever getting another dog and yet we now have our puppy Holly. 

There are of course those items that end up on the list yearly.. Get more organized, a new master bedroom, a trip to France, a cruise, win the lottery, a new back yard etc. I love putting them on the list because they are our dreams and our hopes for the future.. Maybe one year we will scratch them off the bucket list.

I tell the kids " It is a New Year and anything can happen".. Here is to 2013!! May all of your hopes, dreams, and wishes come true!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My lefty learns to tie her shoes!!

Most kids learn to tie their shoes in K or 1st grade. Maddie has been home schooled her whole life so never really went through some of the traditional things that you would do in public school like learning to tie her own shoes. That may sound horrible to some of you, and maybe it is???? I don't know, I just never really worried about it. I figured when she wanted to learn to tie her shoes she would learn.

Today was the day. She came to me at bedtime and said "Mama I am ready to learn to tie my shoes. Can we try?" Sure I said "go grab a shoe." I showed her a time or two. She tried and failed. Then it hit me that I needed to reverse some of it because she is a lefty. I reversed the way I did the bunny ears, showed her, and within a few tries she had tied her shoe. Woo hoo Maddie!!

She was soooo proud she wanted to show everyone. She started with daddy and failed. Pressure?? Maybe?? She then came back for a few more lessons and before bed was pretty confident that she was indeed able to tie her shoes.

Tomorrow I know she will get up and ask to practice again. Why?? Because she is ready and she wants to know how. She wants to prove to the world that she can indeed tie her shoe!!

What can I say?? This is another proud home school moment.

Some of you may ask WHY?? You may think that she is two years late in tying her shoes. I on the other hand look at it as though she learned in less than 45 minutes because she was ready, wanted to, and is excited about it. That kind of learning makes my day. Learning because she wants to. I call that a huge success!! Way to go Maddie!! So proud of you.

Somehow, I just knew that my girl would know how to tie those shoes before heading off to HARVARD, YALE or OXFORD. When Maddie wants to do something or learn something watch out world!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Great Aunt Mary's Homemade Potato Skins

About a year ago my mom was telling me that when she was growing up Aunt Mary would try to use everything food wise as much as she could to make things stretch and go farther. She then told me she even used her potato peels to make, you guessed it, Potato Skins.

In the winter I use more potatoes because I make soups. I thought I would give my moms/aunts trick a try. After much experimenting I think I finally have it nailed down. The perfect potato skins using something you would normally toss out. Enjoy!!

The finished product!!

Step 1: Peel your potatoes a little thicker than you normally might. I was never a great potato peeler so this is really not a big adjustment for me. :)

Step 2: Wash them really good and then toss out any that just won't make a good potato skin. This was all that I threw out from the big bucket above.

Step 3: Dry them off a bit and then toss with just a tiny amount of olive oil/salt. Once you have done this you will place on a baking sheet to pre-bake for 15-20 minutes at 375 degrees. You want to bake them to get them dry so they won't turn color when you freeze.

Step 4: Let them cool before putting them in a bag. Freeze them for your next party, appetizer night, dinner etc.

Step 5:Pull as many as you need from the freezer. Bake them at 375 until heated through about 20-25 minutes. Then top them with cheese and bacon and bake for another 10-15 minutes.

Voila the finished skins topped with our favorites sour cream, chives and black pepper. So yummy and really your only cost is toppings. Way cheaper than T.G.I.Friday's!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I had to post these silly cutout face pictures from the farm today. Normally a place will have one or two of these types of things but I am not sure I have ever seen so many different ones at a single fair. Carson was mortified that we were all getting our pictures taken in them. Obviously the rest of us thought it was kind of funny!! Living the life I tell you, Living the life!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Dress

I had to laugh last night. I bought a Sun Dress Cover up for Six Flags. I knew it was going to be 100 degrees and I wanted to be comfortable. I really didn't care what I looked like. ( I mean let's face it very few people look good when they are sweating to death at Six Flags.)

Moving on.. When I got home I tried it on for John and the team.

John was very careful in what he said. (It looks comfortable and airy, It has really bright colors. I knew he hated it.. Oh well!)

Next up my pre-teen Makenna. She just gave me that know the one..UGG.. 2 Down, 3 to go.

Jack came in and immediately pulled the dress lower over my knees.. Hysterical.. Always my protective mama's boy. Heaven forbid I show a little to much knee at Six Flags. I am a mother after all.

Carson then came in and his question alone told me that it was not on his approval list. The question: "Are you going to wear that??"

Last came my baby girl Maddie. She saw me in the dress and immediately said.. "Oh mama it is beautiful!! A dress, A dress I love it. I have looked in your closet and you have none. I am so happy you now have a pretty dress to wear." So sweet.

I think what I love about how Maddie approached me wearing the dress is that it wasn't about what I looked like in it. It was about the dress, the color, the newness, and the fact that I finally owned one. That in and of itself was special right?? To a seven year old it was.

Wouldn't it be great if we could view everything like that? Something for me to think about.

The girls and I in our dresses at Six Flags. Possibly the first time that the three of us were in a dress together.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Growing up...

Yesterday we headed out to the movies and when Makenna came downstairs to leave she looked so pretty. She was in cute khaki capri's, a stylish brown sleeveless shirt and had a matching brown purse. She had put on some lip gloss and looked really fixed up and beautiful.

The best part was her brothers reactions.. They said.. "Mom are you going to let her go out like that?" "Mom she looks like a teenager!" "Mom she is growing up!" "Mom she looks like Scarlett Johanson" Makenna ate it up that her brothers although they would not admit it thought she looked really pretty! You did sweet girl. You did!!